Frequently Asked Questions

  • As with anything worthwhile, there is a need for careful planning. We are pleased to announce that we are opening Fall 2024 for kindergarten only. Each year we will add one or two grades up to Grade 8. This plan ensures that RCAC will meet the needs of all students and their families the way our founders intended.

  • While we are still working to nail down the perfect location for this fall, Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus will be located right in the heart of the city, downtown Columbus, making it easily accessible to families from all around the city.

  • Tuition rates for Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 academic year will be available in March.

  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to offer tuition assistance or scholarships for the 2024-2025 academic year. We are working diligently to make Ed Choice and financial aid through FACTS available to families of RCAC. We are hopefully both of these avenues will be available for the 2025-2026 academic year.

  • The vision set by the Founders for Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus is to be both authentically Catholic and committed to excellence. It is this two-pronged approach to our mission and vision, combined with our modified weekly-schedule, that sets us apart from the crowd.

    RCAC is first and foremost authentically and unapologetically Catholic. The divine liturgy and the traditions of our Catholic faith are rich and life-giving. Without watering down the beauty and truths of our faith, we seek to build a school community where our Catholic heritage is cherished and lived to the fullest.

    It is only in light of the truth of the Gospel, the Truth who is Jesus Christ, that man can be truly excellent. This includes excellence as it pertains to virtue and the moral life, but also intellectual excellence. To this end, we have decided to employ the classical liberal arts as it is a time-tested pedagogy for cultivating both faith and reason.

    Please see “How Many Days Does RCAC Meet” of this FAQ fo more information on our modified weekly schedule.

  • We invite you to check out our page, What is Classical Education? to learn more about why we feel a classical liberal arts education is the most authentic form of Catholic Education.

  • “Since parents have given children their life, they are bound by the most serious obligation to educate their offspring and therefore must be recognized as the primary and principal educators.” - Gravissimum Educationis, #3.

    In all her many documents, Holy Mother Church recognizes the right and duty of parents to educate their children. Over time, schools have been introduced to support parents in this tremendous and noble task. At RCAC, we are a full-time school that provides a well-rounded and compete curriculum. The school, however, does not replace the duty of the parents as primary educators. As such, parents are asked to be involved in their child’s education - both academic and Catholic formation. This includes, for example, assistance with homework, fostering a strong faith life at home, and participation in the events and activities of the school.

    Offering a modified weekly schedule has many benefits for the family. Depending on the grade level and maturity of the child, parents may need to assist with or oversee their child’s “work at home” assigned by the teacher. This extra reading, practice wok, or review of material allows the school to achieve it’s academic goals while still supporting family life through a shortened school week.

  • Tuesday - Friday

    Kindergarten: 3 day

    Grades 1-8: 4 day

    One of the unique aspects of RCAC is our modified schedule. To be ‘In Service of Families’ is one of our Core Values therefore, having a schedule that caters to a day of rest for Sundays is truly a cornerstone of why we wanted to start this school.

  • Our sole purpose is to educate a child to their full potential. Being a small, private, independent school leaves us with many limited resources. RCAC will try our best to accommodate and cater to every child’s specific educational needs on a case by case basis, after meetings with both parents of the student and faculty to ensure an appropriate plan is in place for the student.

  • RCAC will be a technology free environment for our students. Teachers may choose to implement some technology sporadically in their lessons but always in an intentional and meaningful way.

  • Lunch will not be provided on a daily basis. Therefore students will be expected to bring their own packed lunches.

  • A private education at an independent school would likely cost families a fortune in tuition rates without the aid of fundraising. Many schools are unable to sustain operations on tuition alone, thus having to fundraise. At RCAC in order to keep tuition affordable and keep the school running at the highest level our families and our Founders expect, it is crucial that we fundraise. Fundraising allows us to pay teachers a fair and just wage, offer beautiful curriculum, classroom materials and a comfortable place for our students to learn.

  • Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus has completed its application for designation as a non-profit organization under IRS Code 501(c)3. All donations made within 2 years of our formal designation are considered tax deductible.

  • We are grateful you asked! First and foremost, we are in need of your prayers for Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus. We invite you to pray a Hail Holy Queen each evening along with us! Our school is also in great need of benefactors, ambassadors to our central Ohio community, and volunteers. If there are any gifts, connections, referrals or skills you could offer, please reach contact us here or at