The mission of Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus is to educate and sanctify the whole child - mind, body, and soul. Grounded in the classical liberal arts and steeped in Catholic tradition, every subject is imbued with and flows from our faith. We strive to cultivate in each student a deep love of the Triune God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the Catholic Church, and to spur each student on to intellectual and moral greatness.


Core Values

  • Authentically Catholic

    Being authentically Catholic means, above all, cultivating a deep and enduring love for Jesus Christ, His mother and the Church. This is done, first and foremost, through weekly Mass. Participating in beautiful and reverent liturgies, children will be drawn into the sacred and experience the fullness of our Catholic faith. Just as the Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life” (Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) 1324), so will the Divine Liturgy set the rhythm of life at Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus. The school will celebrate the liturgical seasons, feast days of the Saints, provide opportunities for regular confession, and develop an authentic devotional life, with special emphasis on Marian devotion and the Rosary. By bringing our Catholic faith into all aspects of school life, Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus places a priority on cultivating a rich Catholic culture. For children to become Saints, they must first become disciples who know and love Christ. In addition to fostering the life of faith in the classroom and attending weekly Mass, daily chapel visits will allow children time to be with our Eucharistic Lord, who, as the one true Teacher, will form their hearts and souls.

  • Academic & Moral Excellence

    The Lord Jesus calls us to be “perfect, as [our] Heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48). For students at Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus, this pursuit of perfection is lived out through the pursuit of excellence in both the academic and moral life. To this end, the school will employ a classical liberal arts education. The reason for choosing this pedagogy and vision is that classical education is about the formation of the human person, not simply imparting information. With small classroom sizes, in a traditional technology-free classroom setting, students are given the opportunity to pursue truth, encounter beauty and recognize goodness. This is done through a challenging, integrated curriculum that is developmentally appropriate, engaging, and joy-filled. Through the curriculum and life of the school, RCAC will also foster the life virtue and help the students to cultivate true wisdom, which is rooted in Christ. When students leave our school, not only will they possess knowledge, but they will possess a love of learning and seek to live a life in friendship with God.

  • In Service of Families

    Parents have been given the noble task of being the primary educators of their children (CCC 2223). At Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus, we seek to partner with and serve parents on this journey! One of the primary ways in which we serve families is through our modified weekly schedule. Grades 1-8 will meet four days each week (Tuesday – Friday) and kindergarten will meet three days each week (Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday). We have intentionally left Monday as the day off so that families can enjoy each other over the weekend and keep Sunday as a Holy Day. Monday can be used as a “catch up” day for doing laundry or buying groceries for school lunches. Above that, we hope that parents will take the opportunity to use Monday to continue the adventure of learning and forming their children. This may include trips to the museum, piano lessons, and the like. So that we can attain our high goals for academic excellence, students will be given “work at home.” The teacher-curated “work at home” will look different based on the child’s grade. Some examples include, completing a chapter review, reading two chapters of a novel and being prepared to discuss, or practicing math facts and word lists. This is an opportunity for parents and family members to engage more intentionally in their child’s education. Children flourish best when parents are invested and committed to their child’s education. Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus seeks to serve parents in this noble endeavor!

Our Patron: Our Lady, Queen of Heaven

As Catholics, we are blessed with many good and worthy saints to whom we should foster devotion and call upon as our personal patrons. We have chosen our Lady to be the patron of our school, for she is the Queen of all the saints in heaven and those on earth! To whom should we run more eagerly than to the mother of Christ?

In founding the Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus and in establishing its mission, we entrust all our efforts to Our Lady, knowing that she, as Queen of Heaven, will help to bring about the good work God has begun. We consecrate to her the children who will study in our classrooms, the families who partner with us, the teachers and staff who lead us, and all who come in contact with Regina Caeli Academy of Columbus. As Queen of Heaven, Mary is the surest pathway to her Son.

We take Mary not only as our patron, but as our model, for truly she is the model disciple for all Christians. It is she who first gave her fiat in an obedience of faith. It is our hope that we may cultivate in each child a great love for Mary so that they may echo our Lady’s fiat in their lives as disciples of Christ. We pray that each child may respond eagerly when she directs them to “do whatever He tells you” (John 2:5).

Come, let us worship Christ who crowned his mother as Queen of heaven and earth.

— Invitatory Antiphon for the Feast of the Queenship of Mary

  • “Hence it comes to pass that the most perfect consecration to Jesus Christ is nothing else but a perfect consecration, of ourselves, to the Blessed Virgin. ... This devotion, consists then, in giving ourselves entirely to our Lady, in order to belong entirely to Jesus Christ through her.”

    — St. Louis Marie de Montfort, Preparation for Total Consecration

  • "But since Mary loves God so much, there is nothing she wants us to do more than to love him as much as we can."

    — St. Alphonsus Ligouri

  • “Never be afraid of loving the Blessed Virgin too much. You can never love her more than Jesus did.”

    — St. Maximillian Kolbe

  • "Let us run to Mary, and, as her little children, cast ourselves into her arms with a perfect confidence."

    — St. Francis de Sales

  • “In trial or difficulty I have recourse to Mother Mary, whose glance alone is enough to dissipate every fear.”

    — Saint Therese of Lisieux